By utilizing the proven expertise of CorrectCare - Integrated Health, many corrections facilities can pay as little as 28% of billed charges for off-site inmate medical services! CorrectCare – Integrated Health (CCIH) is a correctional specific provider of third party administrative services – claims processing, utilization management, and preferred provider (PPO) network access with offices in Lexington, Kentucky and Sacramento, California. Our clients across the county agree that by providing an innovative approach through a combination of services with elements unique to the correctional industry, CorrectCare can tailor its management and support processes to meet their individual needs.
We welcome the opportunity to show you how CorrectCare - Integrated Health can be your off site medical services cost containment savings partner and how a TPA for corrections is the intelligent alternative. Please feel free to contact us for more information or to see how we can assist you.

Claims Administration
In addition to providing discounts through access to PPO networks, CorrectCare - Integrated Health can further reduce your medical costs by evaluating the claim based on the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as well as other evaluation standards.

Access To PPO Networks
Since 2003, Correct Care - Integrated Health has perfected its correctional specific managed care model through discounts with provider networks and utilization management making us a proven leader in the corrections industry.

Utilization Management
CorrectCare - Integrated Health’s Utilization Management is the first line of defense to manage healthcare costs, while ensuring your populations receive the right care, at the right time, in the right setting.

Client Specific Services
CorrectCare - Integrated Health can partner with you to provide specialty services tailored to the needs of your facility.
By utilizing Correct Care for our Detention medical billing we have seen on average around a 75% saving on our Detention Medical. With the ease and the savings Correct Care provided it was one of those things that seemed too good to be true. I can honestly say working with CorrectCare has one of the easiest processes we have adopted and in just an eight month period we have saved the tax payers of Gila County just over $375,000.00.
– Chief Deputy Michael Johnson, Gila County AZ
CorrectCare simplifies our medical billing process.